Travel Docs Online

Travel Docs Online established in 2010 is worldwide business which has evolved over the years into a well-respected our company.They offer a full range of documents services, registration in database and travel route support while providing you access to a team of professionals empowered to assist you in maximizing the value of your new identity.

Achieved a Click Through Rate of 0.09% generating a number of new sales
In the first month of activity the Cost Per Action was reduced by 20%
Return on Investment of 272%


1) Poor visibility in Top 3 search results for passport,birth certificates and driver licence keywords.

2) Low rankings for business related keywords.

3) Low traffic on website.


To get maximum keywords in top 3 search results

Occsic Infotech pulled out a list of over 40 keywords,We divided the keywords into 3 buckets and worked on different strategies for each:

For Bucket 1: Keywords ranking in Top 10 Results

1. We identified all keywords in Top 10 whose CTR was less than the average CTR for all keywords in the bucket. And worked on optimizing the meta titles to improve the CTR.

2. Optimized on-page SEO elements and improved content for all the target landing pages.

For Bucket 2& 3: Keywords ranking between 11-20 Results and beyond Top 20 Results

3. In addition to the on-page changes mentioned above, we also did aggressive link building to improve authority and popularity of the landing pages on which these keywords were targeted. We obtained a healthy mix of high authority links and high-quality theme-based links.

4. Worked with the Development team to improve page speed of all the target landing pages.

5.Installed Sitemap xml files and sitemap html files for fast and instant google caching.


We’ve achieved a Click Through Rate (CTR) of 0.09%, which generated a number of new sales.Traffic increased by 300% and Sales hike by 58 %
Few Keywords Ranking Below.

SNKeywordsRanking 20-03-2020
1purchase registered and unregistered passport1
2purchase registered and unregistered passport online1
3Top sellers of real and fake documents8

0.09% CTR

20% less CPA

272% ROI

From The Client

“These guys have built such a strong relationship with our organization that we consider them an extension of our IT department. We always know that excellent service is just a phone call or e-mail away and that we will receive the same level of attention they always provide that makes us feel like we're their top priority.”

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